Friday, September 19, 2008

Sergey Brin's New Blog

Sergey Brin, one of the founders of Google, today started a new personal blog. His first post was very interesting. He focussed his first post on his predisposition to Parkinson's disease. Evidently it seems to be genetic and thus can run in the family. His mother has always been troubled with the disease. Through a study of inherited genes Sergey is able to predict with some degree of certainty that he will also be inflicted with the disease when he grows older. In his blog he remarks that he has some time to adjust to this situation and that he can prepare well ahead of time in case he does contract the disease.

Of note he remarks, "I feel fortunate to be in this position. Until the fountain of youth is discovered, all of us will have some conditions in our old age only we don't know what they will be. I have a better guess than almost anyone else for what ills may be mine -- and I have decades to prepare for it." Yes, we all will have some condition in our old age. I for one am feeling it now even though I am only in my mid-fifties.

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