Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Why Superconnect Clearing House Saves you Money and Time

If you are managing the payment of Superannuation Contributions you should have already realised how complex Superannuation payment has become. Because employees can choose whichever fund they desire, you will be increasing the complexity of making Superannuation contributions. Theoretically each employee can choose a different fund. What is more each employee can now choose to pay into their own "do-it-yourself" fund adding to the difficulty again.

This is where Superconnect Clearing House can help you. All you have to do is to collect all details in your normal payroll system. To make payments through the clearing house is easy. All you do is to export all the details of superannuation contributions from your payroll system and upload that to Superconnect. Superconnect can take any file format from any payroll system and once you have uploaded the data there is nothing more to do than authorise payment.

Once you have authorised payment, the total amount will be deducted from your bank and paid through to the correct Superannuation Fund Administrator. All details of payment will then be made available in your login section of the Superconnect System for you to check that everything has gone through.

Yes there is nothing more to do. Using Superconnect to make contribution payments is as easy as that.

Why don't you give it a test run? Go to https://www.superconnect.com.au/employer/Reg.asp.

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